Mold Inspection
Mold inspections begin with a preliminary assessment which includes an occupant survey to inquire about any past water events or existing moisture conditions which could lead to mold.
Following the preliminary assessment, a complete visual and olfactory inspection is performed during a walk-through of the property, looking for sources of previous and present water infiltration issues or signs of mold. Areas where mold appears to be growing may be tested and the samples are sent to certified labs for analysis and identification. Air samples may be recommended to quantify the effect of mold on the quality of the indoor air. Additional samples may be taken to confirm or disprove the effect of mold on furniture, carpeting and other surfaces which may negatively impact your indoor environment.
Finally, the sampling results are reviewed and analyzed to determine how they correlate to the results of our visual and olfactory inspection. A remediation work plan can then be prepared with detailed instructions to clean or remove the building materials that are impacting those results.