Mold Remediation Protocol

After the Mold & Moisture Inspection the next step in achieving a positive solution to your mold problem is the Mold Remediation Protocol. Not all clients need a Mold Remediation Protocol. For example, say the problem in the bathroom is much worse than expected – behind the vanity looks like a science project gone wrong. So why do I need to spend money to have it inspected and tested? Isn’t it obvious?
Using a licensed and certified remediator is critical – but did he assess the entire home? Does he know if mold spread through the A/C ducts to the Living Room? Was it enough to affect the open box of cereal in the Kitchen? Does this mean that all the carpet in the entire home needs to be tossed? Did he just assume the entire home would need to be treated?
The Mold Remediation Protocol as a part of your written report is a detailed guide for your mold remediation contractor to follow for the effective and thorough removal and/or cleaning of affected areas. The protocol is designed to enhance the remediation and assure its timely and safe completion. It tells the remediator where to remove drywall and carpet and where he can just clean them. The protocol is designed to save money when remediating by NOT cleaning or treating unaffected areas. The Mold Remediation Protocol also prevents unnecessary remediation costs by assuring the remediator doesn’t miss an area that has mold that could come back to haunt your family’s health in six months. The Mold Remediation Protocol is designed to provide measurable results with reasonable remediation costs, yet deliver the appropriate outcome from the remediation efforts.
Money well-spent to inspect and test? You deserve it!
Get In Touch With Alpha Mold for Your In Home Mold Inspection